She may be more "shooty-'splodey" than kicky stabby here, but River Song is the next focus of our mini arc. Join Deb, Erika, Lynne, and Tansy as we talk about "Let's Kill Hitler" and River (aka Melody, aka Mels) overall.

How do you feel about River in this story? In general? Let us know in the comments!


Also covered:

Erika's local comic shop, Variant Edition, has a TARDIS! Tansy (re-?)discovered a delightful fanvid! Lynne adores The Time Ladies' tweet with Jodie Whittaker wearing one hell of a fashionable outfit! is happy to report her new kitten, Hugo, is feeling much better! Deb is filled with hope due to the diversity behind the camera for the upcoming series of Doctor Who!

Bonus link:
This Week in Time Travel

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