The first mini-arc of our Year of Women focuses on competent women, and Adelaide Brooke totally fits the bill! Join Deb, Katrina, and Lynne as they talk about Adelaide, her personality, her mission, her decisions, and much more. They also discover a possible tag-line for this year of podcasting: "It's a whole different story when you change the POV." Boy howdy.

What do you think about Ms. Brooke? Let us know in the comments!


Also covered:

Lynne got So Much Good Stuff: the 10th Doctor in a tux! the remastered soundtrack of "Survival"! the remastered soundtrack of "Ghostlight"! the remastered soundtrack of "The Caves of Androzani"! Kat fangirls over Peter Capaldi telling The A.V. Club about five of his favorite punk songs! Deb wants everyone to go buy Heroes, the Blake's 7 audiobook from Big Finish, because Liz has a story in it!

Bonus links:
Kat's post about 10 kickass ladies
Chicks Dig Time Lords