Previous Episode: Extra! - Verity! Down Under

In continuing with our year of firsts, we decided to check out Doctor Who's first ever spin-off! Join Deb, Erika, and Liz as we discuss the gem that is K-9 and Company. Sarah Jane in her "natural" habitat! The greatest aunt of all--Lavinia! stereotypical rural folks! A cult! And perhaps most importantly of all, a very concerned goat.

Have you seen this jewel of a Christmas special? Please tell us what you thought in the comments!


Also covered:

Erika joined Deb and Rachel for a special episode of the Hockey Feels podcast talking about their beloved webcomic Check, Please! also pledged to Check, Please's Kickstarter campaign! Liz is excited for Doctor Who Mr. Men books! watched the newest Star Wars: Rogue One trailer! is getting better at DOTA! delighted in the pics of P-Cap from the set of the Christmas special! Deb was impressed by Doctor Who's presence at NYCC! looks forward to listening to Radio Free Skaro's coverage of the event--featuring Kim and Sage from Head Over Feels! spent some time in NYC with some Doctor Who fandom pals!

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