Previous Episode: Extra! - Camille Appeal

Once again we dip into Classic Who with an episode steeped in firsts. Join Deb, Erika, Kat and Tansy as they revisit "Spearhead From Space" and talk about the first Third Doctor story, the first Liz Shaw story, the first Doctor Who in color and more! Listen as Deb and Tansy squee, Erika (shockingly) discovers that she actually likes a Pertwee story and Kat being amused at the mayhem.

How does "Spearhead from Space" fare in your Classic Who rankings? Do you feel this is a good jumping off point for Classic Who or do you think this story is an outlier. Can you identify Mr. Seely’s accent and WHAT is up with those tan lines?

Leave us a comment and let us know what you think!


Also covered:

Tansy discovers postcards from Tom Baker to her mother! Kat discovers a Doctor Who location is near her ancestral home! Erika joins Steven and Josh at The High Council Podcast to watch “Paradise Towers”! wishes Radio Free Skaro a happy Tenth Anniversary! Deb enjoyed the #fav7Who party on Twitter! had fun participating in the Ravellenic Games on Ravelry (membership required)!