2018 television stories, Series 11 (Doctor Who) stories, Stories set in Sheffield, Stories set in 2018 Arachnids in the UK (TV story) Arachnids in the UK Series 11, Episode 4 Doctor: Thirteenth Doctor Companion(s): Graham, Ryan, Yaz Featuring: Grace Main enemy: Giant spiders, Robertson Main setting: Sheffield, 2018 Key crew Writer: Chris Chibnall Director: Sallie Aprahamian Producer: Alex Mercer Release details Story number: 279 Premiere broadcast: 28 October 2018 Premiere network: BBC One Format: 1x50 minute episode Official trailer Arachnids in the UK was the fourth episode in the eleventh series of Doctor Who produced by BBC Wales. The Thirteenth Doctor finally returns Graham, Ryan and Yasmin to Sheffield, just half an hour after they had left. Notably, these new companions actively choose to travel with her at the end of this episode. Synopsis edit The Thirteenth Doctor finally manages to bring her friends home, but with more time alone on the horizon, she soon discovers that something unnatural has happened to the eight-legged population of Sheffield. Why have they converged on an unopened hotel, and why is there a man going around like he owns the place?