This title was released in November 2017. It will be exclusively available to buy from the BF website until February 28th 2018, and on general sale after this date. 2.2 The Sword of the Chevalier 1791 and the Doctor and Rose get to meet one of the most enigmatic, thrilling and important people in history: The Chevalier d’Eon. She used to be known as a spy, but then she used to be known as a lot of things. If there’s one thing the Doctor knows it’s that identity is what you make it. Choose a life for yourself and be proud. Mind you, if the Consortium of the Obsidian Asp get their way, all lives may soon be over... Written By: Guy Adams Directed By: Nicholas Briggs Cast David Tennant (The Doctor), Billie Piper (Rose Tyler), Nickolas Grace (Chevalier D’Eon), Mark Elstob (Joxer / Butler), Tam Williams (Christopher Dalliard), Lucy Briggs-Owen (Hempel / Dancer / Duchess), James Joyce (Darcy / Groom) Other parts played by members of the cast. Producer David Richardson Script Editor Matt Fitton Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs