@tindogpodcast reviews   from wiki   275a 11 "World Enough and Time" Rachel Talalay Steven Moffat 24 June 2017 TBD 85 In a snowspace, the Doctor stumbles from the TARDIS and regenerates. Earlier, the Doctor proposed to test Missy by having her answer a distress call. They arrive via TARDIS on a colony ship reversing away from a black hole. They are held at gunpoint by Jorj, who demands to know which of them is human, and Jorj shoots Bill. The Doctor, Missy, and Nardole learn that a few days ago, some of the crew had gone down to the ship's bowels but never returned. Jorj claims the ship was other empty, but the Doctor shows there's thousands of humans, the first crew descendants: due to time dilation, time moves much faster at the ship's bowels. Bill awakens in a hospital, having been fitted with a replacement heart. Razor, the hospital caretaker, explains that some of the patients are waiting to be "upgraded" to escape the ship's polluted air. Years later, they see footage of the Doctor coming down the lift, having only been a few minutes for him. The Doctor, Nardole and Missy arrive to determine the origin of the colony ship: Mondas. Razor approaches Missy and reveals himself to be her previous incarnation, formally known as the Master. The Doctor and Nardole find a Cyberman who reveals itself as Bill.