Synopsis This title was released in December 2016. It will be exclusively available to buy from the BF website until January 31st 2017, and on general sale after this date. It’s the telegram Constance never wanted to read: DEEPLY REGRET TO INFORM YOU LT-CMDR H CLARKE LOST IN ACTION. CLASSIFIED OPERATIONS. Those classified operations concerned a top-secret military project code-named ‘Quicksilver’. A project based in Vienna. A project with alien connections. But bombed-out Vienna is not what it was before the war – with its Strauss music, its glamour and easy charm. It's not the time nor the place for a happy reunion. As Constance Clarke is about to discover... And as the Doctor is about to discover, too! Written By: Matt Fitton Directed By: Jamie Anderson Cast Colin Baker (The Doctor), Miranda Raison (Constance Clarke), Lisa Greenwood (Flip Jackson), Matthew Cottle (Henry Clarke), Joel Fry (Kinvar/Rogers), Oliver Cotton (Major Callahan), Kate Kennedy (Ana), Robbie Stevens (Boyarov/Vilal General). Other parts portrayed by members of the cast. Producer David Richardson Script Editor Alan Barnes Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs