"In my presence, you are an ant, a termite. Abase yourself, you grovelling insect!"

So once again Sutekh's arrogance management classes fail to deliver and he's left in his sub-Saqqaran tomb for a few more centuries, waiting for another gentleman caller.

And he had a lot going for him: a puppet archaeologist, a loyal (if irascible) Egyptian organist, a low-tech PIN-pincher and some busty yummy mummies.

Laurence is wide-eyed, the Doctor is boggle-eyed and Marcus has eyes like piddle-holes in the snow, while Sarah is eyeing an escape route to 1980 (but not the crappy one).

Why is Sutekh's cell so well-appointed? Why doesn't someone push a broom around the priory every now and then? And just who is Eternity's Cushion Plumper?

Listen to find out if the answers lie in the Pyramids of Mars and what score (hint hint) Jim and Martin give the serial.