As you all know, there’s a certain 50 year celebration coming up. Now I’ve had a number of emails / Facebook messages etc., asking if I could find a way for BrokenSea to get the fans of our show involved … Continue reading →

The post We Want Who ? … first appeared on Doctor Who » The BrokenSea Series - Podcast Feed.

As you all know, there’s a certain 50 year celebration coming up. Now I’ve had a number of emails / Facebook messages etc., asking if I could find a way for BrokenSea to get the fans of our show involved somehow. So I racked me brain for a while. I swear steam came outta me ears ! – LOL. Anyways, here’s what I came up with :-

Why not do a special one-off fan-based Behind The Sofa. You lovely lot out there could record a brief segment explaining how you discovered Dr. Who, and what it’s meant to you. I could then compile them altogether into a show !

So here’s what you need to do. Record a brief clip (No longer than 1 minute long and preferably in 192K Mp3 format), and send it to me no later 23rd November at [email protected]. Obviously, this being a family show, please no bad language or offensive content.

So there you go. Hope you all like the idea.

Looking forward to hearing to hearing from you all.

The following Audio Drama is rated PG-13 (Persons Younger than 13 Should be Accompanied by an Adult). For more info:

The post We Want Who ? … first appeared on Doctor Who » The BrokenSea Series - Podcast Feed.