A thousand years is a long time by anyone’s reckoning and even being time’s champion can take its toll. In the course of thirteen incarnations, The Doctor has explored all the mysteries of time and space, save one. Now, coming … Continue reading →

The post Episode 8 – The Quorum of Time – Part 2 first appeared on Doctor Who » The BrokenSea Series - Podcast Feed.

A thousand years is a long time by anyone’s reckoning and even being time’s champion can take its toll.

In the course of thirteen incarnations, The Doctor has explored all the mysteries of time and space, save one. Now, coming full circle with events realized by his seventh self amid an Arthurian battlefield, he now faces the ultimate Lords of Time and a chance at power beyond imagination. All he has to do…is die.

Join BrokenSea Audio Productions for its third season grand finale and witness the most powerful event in The Doctor’s fabled life as he confronts both his past and his fate in The Quorum of Time – Part 2.

Written by Paul Mannering & Mark Kalita With Additional Concepts suggested by Stevie K. Farnaby

Produced, Directed and Engineered by Stevie K. Farnaby

Starring :

Mark Kalita as The Doctor & Omega

Robin Carlisle as Amanda Waterfield

Doug Manllen as King Arthur

Cary Ayers as Mordred

Bernadette M. Groves as Morgaine

Chris Barnes as Ancelyn

Stevie K. Farnaby as Merlin & Peter

And a Very Special Guest Star :-

The Incomparable Julian Bane as Rasillon


The Dr. Who Theme Gold Versus Howell recorded by Darthjedi 2005, based on the original Theme by Ron Grainer and realised by Delia Derbyshire. Also used in this episode were various Lute recordings by Franscesca Torelli and Ambient Electronic pieces by Kirsty Harkshaw Arthurian Music by Stevie K. Farnaby (AKA SKiFfle)

This episode is dedicated to the memory of Joseph A. Kalita: 1946-2010. “Walk in Eternity.”

The following Audio Drama is rated PG-13 (Persons Younger than 13 Should be

Accompanied by an Adult). For more info:


The post Episode 8 – The Quorum of Time – Part 2 first appeared on Doctor Who » The BrokenSea Series - Podcast Feed.