In this episode of the Doctor Who: Alhambra Podcast, Brett and Liam get right back where they left off in respect to sci-fi nerdiness.  After a very brief Game of Thrones banter, we get into some Rick and Morty talk, then jump into Doctor Who news thanks to

We talk about Big Finish marking down releases from 51-100, and which ones are high caliber audios worthy of paying additional costs to own, and how these releases are don't stack up to the 1-50.  

(22.28 minute mark) Once we get to the reviews, we begin with the Doctor Who Main Range releases #229 The Silurian Candidate; #230 Time In Office and #231 The Behemoth.  We reference previous episodes in the classic series, Warriors of the Deep (also an audio focus myself and Liam did on the podcast,, Big Finish Main release #22 Bloodtide (both referencing the Silurians); other stories that were referenced that were Main Range 170 Spaceport Fear - featuring Mel & the 6th Doctor; 202 The Warehouse - featuring Mel and the 7th Doctor.

(53:33) The Fourth Doctor two part adventure featuring Tom Baker as the 4th Doctor and Louise Jameson as Lela in the stories The Skin of the Sleek and The Thief Who Stole Time, both written by Marc Platt.

(56:33) A quick Early Adventures review, as Liam has listened to both, and Brett has listened to neither The Night Witches and The Outliers.

(58:48) Benny and the Unbound Doctor box set was discussed.

(1:03:43) The Prisoner Volume 2 and the classic stories is discussed and reviewed.

(1:12:19) Torchwood - Aliens Among Us Part 1 & 2 as well as Dark Shadows is discussed to close the show.


Stay tuned for our up and coming episode of the Audio Focus episode of "Keys of Marinus." 


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