Welcome to The Doctor Who: Alhambra Podcast, with real Doctor Who fans, sharing their real Doctor Who opinions. Discussing but not limited to new and classic Doctor Who, Big Finish audios, latest DW and BF news, and much more!

Episode 24 of the Doctor Who: Alhambra Podcast we look at some news, review Big Finish releases for the month of July 2015, and rant about this and that off and on.

We start off the podcast with the news and discuss the anticipation to series 9 of New Who with information about series 10 being picked up.  Next we hit Big Finish news regarding further cast information in the new Torchwood audio series.  Then we discuss the Big Finish survey and the ultimate question "which Big Finish stories are people's favorites?"  During this discussion, we go off in a tangent and defend Colin Baker's era.  Eventually we get to the Big Finish releases for the month of July, getting into the main range release "We Are the Daleks" by Jonathan Morris.

But then we quickly get on another tangent distracting us from this story, going from Big Finish cleaning up after Steven Moffat's giant Dalek building on Assylum of the Daleks, followed by the annoyance of the replican people Dalek stuff.  A further rant continues with the new Dalek Collection DVD release, which as a waste of money, then change directions in midstream and quickly discuss The Adventures of Sarah Jane Smith darkness and how Big Finish could fill in the cracks since Liz Sladen's passing. The possiblity of Susan regenerating and asking Steven Moffat to at least make some other Big Finish reference besides "Night of the Doctor."  To the surprise of Liam, I do come to the defense of Steven Moffat as I did see his masterplan for the Matt Smith era and some of series 7 isn't his fault.  Continuing on yet another tangent, I share my dislike for many of Sylvester McCoy's stories.

Once we get back to Big Finish reviews, we discuss Nick Brigg's 4th Doctor Adventure, The Fate of Krelos, where Liam suggests a challenge to me regarding my approach to listening to Big Finish.  

Finally, we end with a quick review of Counter Measures box set 4 and some talk on Dark Shadows and The Avengers audio play takes. 

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