Episode 149 of the Doctor Who: Alhambra Podcast, Brett, Liam, and Legeon, main purpose is to discuss the evolution of The Doctor's Persona, what could possibly go wrong with that?  Well, Doctor Who New, Big Finish talk, Lovecraft Invasion, Who Jo's going to vote for, and other talking points got in the way. But it still is a great podcast, and I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed recording it.  

Welcome & Intro to Episode 149 - 00:00:00 Doctor Who: Alhambra Podcast BINGO - 00:01:40 The Podcast Open to EP 149 - 00:04:11 Big Finish Day and Big Finish Talk - 00:04:47 Animating New Who & Comic Talk - 00:35:34 Time Lord Victorious - 00:41:06 Lovecraft Invasion Thoughts & Discussion - 00:43:08 The Poison of the Daleks Talk - 00:51:59 The Evolving Personality of the First Doctor - 01:00:40 The Evolving Personality of the Second Doctor - 01:27:02 Conclusion, Closing, & Copyright - 01:43:17

*** We are looking to add a "Mail Section" or "Listener Response Talk" to our show, where you, the listener pose questions about one of our thoughts, revisit previous takes, or perhaps you have an original take that you would like to share...whatever it is, we'd love to hear it!  

Email the show at: [email protected] 

Send the show a message or a DM on Twitter to the podcast @AlhambraPodcast.  

You can also Tweet the other hosts: Liam @djNezumi, Humphrey:  @HumphGPC, Legeon @thelegeonofdoom

Visit our website: AlhambraPodcast.weebly.com