In episode 142 of the Doctor Who: Alhambra Podcast with Brett, Liam, and Humphrey start the podcast looking to talk and discuss about each of our Top 5 Favorite Doctor Who and World of Doctor Who releases. But our very fun podcast took a life of its own and the results can be heard as follows...

Podcast Welcome & Intro and Synopsis - 00:00:00 Podcast Intro & Synopsis for Episode 142 - 00:02:55 Show Synopsis - 00:03:18 Pertwee Dalek Story Discussion - 00:04:15 DWM Poll Result discussion for 2019 Big Finish releases - 00:17:25 *** WARNING - NOT KID FRIENDLY*** - 00:27:52 DWM Poll discussion resumes - 00:32:43 Big Finish "Would You Rather..." - 00:39:15 Doctor Who: Stranded 1 & New Who/Series 13 talk - 00:45:00 "Would You Rather" discussion resumes - 00:50:13 Top 5 Favorite World of Doctor Who releases - 00:55:30 Jon Culshaw, Time Lord Victorious, & Series 13 - 01:08:25 Continuing our Top 5 Favorite World of Doctor Who releases - 01:23:27 Future Podcast, Closing, and Copyright - 01:42:34

*** We are looking to add a "Mail Section" or "Listener Response Talk" to our show, where you, the listener pose questions about one of our thoughts, revisit previous takes, or perhaps you have an original take that you would like to share...whatever it is, we'd love to hear it!  

Email the show at: [email protected] 

Send the show a message or a DM on Twitter to either Brett @Mavic_Chen or The Show @AlhambraPodcast.  You can also Tweet the other hosts: Liam @djNezumi and Humphrey:@HumphGPC

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