Before we record episode #124 of the Doctor Who: Alhambra Podcast, this podcast is not only a preview of what to expect, but a call for you the fans of Doctor Who (and or this podcast) to weigh in with your opinions regarding the series 12 so far.

Episode #123 focused on discussing and reviewing Spyfall parts 1 and 2, and Orphan 55.  

This episode #124 will focus on discussing and reviewing episodes 4 and 5 from the current series, Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror and Fugitive of the Judoon.

You may email the show: [email protected]

Tweet and/or DM Brett: @Mavic_Chen

Tweet Liam @djNezumi

Tweet Legion @thelegeonofdoom

or Tweet and/or DM the show @AlhambraPodcast

We will be recording the show Sunday, February 2nd starting at 6:30PM GST or 11:30 AM MST.

Hoping to hear from you!