Previous Episode: EP 135: TIME - FLIGHT
Next Episode: EP 137: SNAKEDANCE

Omega’s back, and it’s about…something or other in Amsterdam, apparently. What is the Arc, and why is it infinite? Does it have f**k all to do with the plot? And who thought that giant pile of chicken bones was a good idea? Come join Tony Whitt, Dalton Hughes, Alyson Fitch-Safreed, and special guest J.G. McQuarrie as we discuss these and other absorbing questions, and manage to answer none of them.

We are now a proud part of the Direction Point Podcast Network, including such fine shows as THE DOCTOR WHO COLLECTORS PODCAST, THE POLICE BOX IN A JUNKYARD PODCAST, and TIMESTREAMS. You can check out these and other podcasts in the network at!

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We also have a book discussion group of our very own on Goodreads! It can be found at the link below. If you want to have your question, discussion, or review of a given book read aloud by us, simply join the group, post your response to the group by the given deadline, and we will see it!

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Thanks as always to Ron Schiding for our podcast logo and artwork, and to Dalton Hughes for the editing!







The DIRECTION POINT Doctor Who Podcast Network:

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