After a long and punishing era of North America tapping its toes and drumming its fingers waiting for the adventures of Doctor Who on their televisual devices, Disney+ has upended the universe with a global release on its streaming service with the result that North Americans will see the show Friday afternoon and the UK will suffer the INDIGNITY of having their beloved Gallifreyan arrive at midnight, a crime as monumental as the United States seceding from the Commonwealth. We also have Steven Moffat allegedly writing the 2024 Xmas special, man about town and Nerdist scribe Kyle Anderson’s look at regenerations, and an interview with Chris Chapman about his Graham Williams documentary on said collection,”Darkness and Light: The Life of Graham Williams”!


Support Radio Free Skaro on Patreon Doctor Who Returns May 10/11, Premiering on iPlayer/Disney+ at Midnight UK Time BBC Press Release on Doctor Who Premiere Radio Times: Doctor Who’s Steven Moffat ‘returns to write 2024 Christmas special’ Alison Sterling’s CV said Steven Moffat is writing the 2024 Christmas Special (directed by Alex Pillai) From Nerdist: Doctor Who’s Regeneration Has NEVER Made Sense w/Kyle Anderson Philip Hinchcliffe – the DNA of Doctor Who Vol 1 due June 1 Doctor Who The Adventures Before due Oct 3 Doctor Who: In Wonderland Big Finish: Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Star-Crossed due May 2024 Titan Comics reveals artwork for Fifteenth Doctor’s debut issue Season 15 Collection Launch Trailer Richard Bignell’s List of PDF archive material on the Season 15 Collection


Chris Chapman Graham Williams documentary on the Season 15 Collection

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