As we continue to hide in our own personal escape pods from Swarm 2020, we’re joined my writer, playwright and Resurrector of the Daleks Robert Shearman, who tells us firsthand about dealing with COVID-19, finishing his new book “We All Hear Stories in the Dark”, and chimes in on the latest Who news and various other bits of balderdash. And not only that, we have an interview with Paul Wilmshurst, director of Series 8 episodes “Kill The Moon”, “Mummy on the Orient Express”, and “Last Christmas”!


Support Radio Free Skaro on Patreon! The Doctor talks about self-isolation The Doctor talks about the NHS Steven Moffat penned “The Terror of the Umpty Ums” Big Finish “Wicked Sisters” brings together The Fifth Doctor and Leela 2020 Hugo Award finalists announced An Afternoon with Graeme Harper rescheduled for November Honor Blackman died


Paul Wilmshurst Kill the Moon Mummy on the Orient Express Last Christmas


Robert Shearman We All Hear Stories in the Dark Dalek Novelization Dr. Who and the Daleks Dr. Who – Daleks’ Invasion Earth 2150 AD

As we continue to hide in our own personal escape pods from Swarm 2020, we’re joined my writer, playwright and Resurrector of the Daleks Robert Shearman, who tells us firsthand about dealing with COVID-19, finishing his new book “We All Hear Stories in the Dark”, and chimes in on the latest Who news and various other bits of balderdash. And not only that, we have an interview with Paul Wilmshurst, director of Series 8 episodes “Kill The Moon”, “Mummy on the Orient Express”, and “Last Christmas”!


Support Radio Free Skaro on Patreon! The Doctor talks about self-isolation The Doctor talks about the NHS Steven Moffat penned “The Terror of the Umpty Ums” Big Finish “Wicked Sisters” brings together The Fifth Doctor and Leela 2020 Hugo Award finalists announced An Afternoon with Graeme Harper rescheduled for November Honor Blackman died


Paul Wilmshurst Kill the Moon Mummy on the Orient Express Last Christmas


Robert Shearman We All Hear Stories in the Dark Dalek Novelization Dr. Who and the Daleks Dr. Who – Daleks’ Invasion Earth 2150 AD

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