It’s an abrupt left turn for Doctor Who and the Time Fam as they wander through the pristine and apocalyptic settings of “Orphan 55”, the third new episode of our favourite show and our first not to involve spies, laser shoes or smashed up Gallifrey globes. What did the Three Who Rule think of this dusty romp with an ecological message? Plus more Gallifrey One guests, some details about our upcoming Gallifrey One live show, and an epic deep dive into more viewing figures in our Stats section!


– Support Radio Free Skaro on Patreon!
– Radio Free Skaro Fluid Links Advent Calendar – LEGO Telesnap Versions
– Orphan 55
– Spyfall Part Two BBC One overnight viewing figures
– Spyfall Part Two got 589K viewers on BBC America
– Lizo Mzimba talks viewing figures
– BBC America ratings boosts for Live+3
– Spyfall Part Two t-shirt
– Episode titles and synopses up to episode 6
– Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror again at 7:10pm on BBC One
– Warren Brown and Matthew McNulty to guest in Series 12
– Gallifrey One guest update, evening receptions on sale
– Gallifrey One update
– The Visitation soundtrack due on CD and vinyl
– The Sun Makers soundtrack due on CD and vinyl
– Doctor Who joke book due July 23
– John Griffiths died

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