As the Con Crud, post-Gally blues and general middle-aged malaise hit the RFS crew, they nevertheless soldier on with news of new Doctor Who logos, Lost Dimensions, new Target novelizations and more, before two sets of interviews from Gallifrey One, the first with Titan Comics brand manager Chris Thompson and the second with scholarly Whovians Joy Piedmont, who ran the academic symposium at last week’s Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles, and Derek Kompare, a media professor who participated in said high-brained shenanigans! Listen and learn!


The 29 Voyages of Gallifrey One
New Doctor Who logo unveiled
New Doctor Who logo T-shirt
New Target novelizations coming April 5
Sarah Jane Adventures now on BBC iPlayer
Titan Comics’ The Lost Dimension Book 1 out now, Book 2 coming March 20
Pearl Mackie coming to Chicago TARDIS 2018
Make-up artist Dorka Nieradzik died


Chris Thompson from Titan Comics
Joy Piedmont
Derek Kompare

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