There’s nothing Doctor Who-ish on TV until Christmas…but there is an hour with debonair man of the 1970s, Jon Pertwee, who graces the BBC iPlayer with an hour of his many charms in the imaginatively named “An Hour with Jon Pertwee!” There’s also movement afoot in things game, textual and action dolly, with Big Finish going (even more) digital, A Parliament worth of Dalek Dollies and possibly the premature end of LEGO Dimensions. Our Second Chances this week also marks the end of the Monk Trilogy as Drew Meyer joins us to look at “The Lie of the Land!”


Doctor Who Magazine 518
Big Finish releases 51-100 go digital only
An Hour with Jon Pertwee
Parliament Dalek figuring set
LEGO Dimensions pulled? Future Doctor Who set DOA?
Doctor Who wins Ally award for LGBT inclusiveness

Second Chances:

Drew Meyer
The Lie of the Land