ETERNAL 'Box set 3'
Part Five 'The God of Love' Chapters 16 - 18
Part Six 'The Dark Messiah' Chapters 19 - 24

Martin Briggs is a man searching for answers to the greatest questions in life... 

The Doctor has taken Martin Briggs back in time to Nazareth in 29AD. There they meet a man who claims to be Jesus and who promises to give Martin his 'real message'. But is this the 'real' Jesus and who is 'The Dark Messiah'? Who is it that speaks 'The Truth' and which is the path to salvation? Soon Martin has to confront what has become his greatest fear: A face to face encounter with 'God'...

'There is nowhere to run from the Kingdom's throne...'

The story continues...

ETERNAL: A Time Travelling/Spiritual adventure by Marc Atkinson