In this episode of PROGTOR WHO Marc, Bob and Craig are
joined by Steve (Who Guru) Hendry to discus the ‘previously missing’ 2nd
Doctor classics ‘The Enemy of the World’ and ‘The Web of Fear’….

In the wake of YES founder member John Squire’s recent death
JB Anderton (of the WHO 37 podcast) pays a personal tribute and we play the YES
classic ‘On The Silent Wings Of Freedom’…

Marc chats to guitarist Matt Stevens about his music &
his love of DOCTOR WHO and we play a song from his band THE FIERCE AND THE DEAD….
We also play a special song chosen by our guest Steve Hendry… J

All this and all the latest news as well as our listeners
feedback and all the usual banter… So please join us for ep 24 of PROGTOR WHO…
Where WHO and PROG collide… J