Doctor Who: Podshock

Episode 35

For the Week of the 17th of April 2006

Running Time: 1:57:30

In this episode:

News - BFATA Nominations, Torchwood a Little Ahead of Schedule, Elizabeth Sladen at The Who Shop International, More K9 Spin-Off Rumours, Totally Doctor Who, BBCi Red Button Previews, and Sophie Aldred on Doctor Who Online.

Features - Preview of 'New Earth', Review of 'The Long Game', Colin reviews Big Finish's Sarah Jane Smith: Snow Blind, David Hooie reviews the novel Only Human.

Feedback - Canadian corespondent Mike D., Daniel from Australia, and Don from New Jersey.

Announcements - Jules Burt spotted in Doctor Who: Confidential.

Promos - 'Tooth and Claw' BBC Promo

Guests - Canadian Correspondent Russel Hale

Hosted by James Naughton (UK), Ken Deep (US), and Louis Trapani (US)

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