MUTTER'S SPIRAL Podcast continues previewing the 2019 Gallifrey One convention, this time with our great friends from, Kim Rogers & Sage Young!  It's become a pre-Gally tradition to visit with Sage & Kim before the convention to get the rundown on all the cool things they're participating in at Gally!

We will talk about the epic upcoming "This or That" panel session with Pearl Mackie, Nicola Bryant, and Rosie Jane.  "This or That" was a favorite of everyone (including the guest participants) at last year's Gally, and this year's edition should be a blast!  (Saturday 1 pm in Program A)

We will also talk about another HoF-led favorite, the Fan Video Happy Hour - Sage & Kim always pick a fantastic crop of emotional and fabulous videos put together by some amazingly talented folks.  Bring your tissues! (Friday 4 pm Program E)

We'll then cover the individual panels that the ladies will be on - Sage is on the "Doctor Who Crossover: Musicals Edition" panel (with another friend of the show, Susan Stanton) at 6 pm Friday in Program C.  This should be a fun and interactive panel where the panel of ardent fans of Broadway musicals recast various works with Doctor Who characters playing parts. 

Kim is moderating the "Midnight in the Garden of Who and Evil" at 11 pm Saturday in Program C.  This 18+ panel will focus on the world of fan fiction and will include some dramatic readings of works created by the panelists and by the audience.  

This is a fun conversation with Kim & Sage, and it's a definite sign that Gally is ALMOST HERE!  Come have a listen!