Happy New Year!  MUTTER'S SPIRAL Podcast is back for its 150th episode, a discussion of the DOCTOR WHO Series 6 (32) episode, "The God Complex", written by Toby Whithouse and directed by Nick Hurran.  We missed this episode on its original airing, during one of our (many) hiatus... hiatuses... hiati?, and it dovetails nicely with #148 on "The Horns of Nimon", so it gets that coveted spot as the sesquicentennial podcast!

"God Complex" is an intriguing mix of creepy mystery/horror combined with a philosophical examining of our core faith/beliefs (be it in religion or other outside forces, or, in the case of Amy, the Doctor himself).  It features a Minotaur at the center of a maze, but a very different one from classic Greek Mythology (or even "Nimon", which is namechecked in this story, thus the idea to link this with "Horns of Nimon").  

We dive deep in the story and its various elements, discussing what worked and what could have been fleshed out more.  We talk about the excellent guest cast, the denouement with the Doctor saying goodbye (apparently) to Amy & Rory, and even discussion about what the Doctor saw, which was a mystery at the time, but is actually revealed in the episode in a very clever way (and ultimately very clearly revealed in "The Time of the Doctor").

John has some great trivia as well, which is such a key part of our podcast!  It's a really fun discussion that we hope you'll enjoy!