Previous Episode: MHC #1 Megan

T minus 8 days until The Eleventh Hour.

In preparation for Matt Smith's opening story The Eleventh Hour premiering on the BBC, here is a re-release our condensed Minute Waters of Mars (review) from the Sci-Fi Party Line vault. The full SFPL WoM review can be heard here. Next Friday (4/2) we should be posting our follow-up abbreviated Too Minute End of Time review. And if all goes well we should have a new Mostly Harmless Cutaway coming later that weekend as well. Of course every happenstance I have just stated is most improbable so please don't hold us to any of it.

The Cyber Testicle's own (hilarious) 1 minute WoM review can be found here. Be forewarned: it contains explicit language.

This preview features contributions from: Amy (@AmyHirschman), Jeff (@The_BORG), Will (@LW_Will), Carl (@robotcast), Eric (@Bullitt33) and Cat (@fancyfembot).

The new BBC Doctor Who site
Doctor Who on BBC America

Disclaimer: Once again we've committed a classic bait and switch. You come here to this feed looking for your Hitchhiker's Guide to the Whoverse fix, but instead get sold a totally different bill of goods. Well sorry! Things could be worse. It could be 1989 and 1 of your favorite long-running programs is about to get cancelled... (The Benny Hill Show) But we digress. [You could probably listen to our minute Waters of Mars at least 5 times in the time it takes you to read the entire show notes, just saying.]  We, the makers of this fine audio program in no way take any responsibity for any dissatisfaction incurred. Satisfaction, while not guaranteed, could certainly occur accidentally. And in the event of excessive moisture...



Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Skype username: bullitt33
Twitter: @Bullitt33
Facebook: Bullitt33

Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Twitter: @HHG2W

Voicemail: 773-336-2686
Twitter: @SciFiPartyLine
Facebook: Sci-Fi Party Line

The Sci-Fi Party Line theme was created by Eric Escamilla.
The SFPL coverart was created by Cat (@fancyfembot).

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