T minus 1 day until The Lodger.


The Midweek returns! ...With this, the 15th Hitchhiker's Guide to the Whoverse: Mostly Harmless Cutaway. Today Eric & special guest correspondent Julian Chapman (@Braxietel) dig a little deeper into Vincent and the Doctor. Did this episode succeed in portraying such a heady subject? And while we're at it, has Steven Moffat's 1st series of Doctor Who lived up to your expectations?

WARNING:  This review/discussion contains SPOILERS that could either make you crazy or very sad. :'^(


Julian (@Braxietel)-

YouTube, 5 Minutes to Belgium: http://www.youtube.com/user/Type40Films

deviantART, Julian created this eps artwork: http://type40productions.deviantart.com/

Kerrie (@KerrieSakura)-

fear itself and monsters - This is a blog about depression, the reflection upon, and the recovery from: http://fearitselfandmonsters.blogspot.com/2010/06/monsters.html


If you come into this podcast with a bad opinion of Vincent and the Doctor, but go away feeling better about it, please don't blame us. But if you find yourself feeling angry, perhaps even violently crazed please contact: 

BBC Action Line
08000 933  193
Lines are open 24 hours a day
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Creator/Producer: Eric Escamilla
Email: bullitt33 ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Skype username: bullitt33
Twitter: @Bullitt33 Facebook: Bullitt33 

Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Website: guidetothewhoverse.libsyn.com  Twitter: @HHG2W   Tumblr: guidetothewhoverse.tumblr.com 

The MHC theme was created by Eric Escamilla.
The MHC coverart was created by Cat (@fancyfembot).
The anonymous cold open was by Emily (@emilyooo).

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