Episode 66 - It's another Top 5 from the Doctor Who podcast that always brings you the best and biggest Top 5's!

To help us navigate through this minefield we are delighted to welcome back friend of the podcast, Rob Lloyd!

Marvel as we wax lyrical about some of the top underrated monsters from our favourite TV show. They may have been unloved at the time and relegated to a dreary backwater by an ignorant fandom, but we love them and list them for your enjoyment. To top off the discussion, we talk about the one's we would love to see resurrected in the new series.

All this plus more Ultimate Adventure insights from people who actually saw it and pressed the flesh of the great man (men!) who trod the boards. And what does our self enforced 'embargo' on Series 10 have in common with one of the best Seinfeld episodes of all time?

Full details of Rob Lloyd's upcoming tour of Who Me in Canada, USA and Edinburgh can be found at http://www.roblloyd.com.au

What in Nimon's name are you waiting for book your tickets now!!!