Episode 18 - In a desperate attempt to cling to their long vanished youth, Mark and Rob journey back to an earlier, simpler time to discuss the Target Doctor Who range where the only way you could watch the Web of Fear was to read the book. So grab yourself a cup of Milo, Horlicks or Cocoa (ooh, is that a marriage proposal?), sit yourself in your favourite comfy chair and wile away the next 60 minutes or so listening as the Statler and Waldorf of the Doctor Who podcasting community reminisce about collecting these little fragments of the show’s past.

Plus we discuss the Series 8 (malt) teaser, listener feedback and our latest competition where you send your burning questions about Doctor Who (or not) that you want us to tackle by the 9th of June and the best entry wins a copy of Doctor Who - The Ultimate Guide as recommended by Rob!