Episode 97 – It's time again for our regular (and slightly delayed) 7th staff Christmas party (or as we are calling it our Summer Special!) where Mark is joined by Dave, Richard and Rob (via time eddy!) in a 2 hour plus extravaganza talking all things Doctor Who!

We digest and regurgitate over Flux, discuss what makes a good TV producer, especially in the context of our favourite program,  chat about our Top 3 Deaths in Doctor Who, Target Book Club where we revisit the novels of writers who only had one stab and then....our big one!  That's right, the much heralded Fanwank of the Year Awards © where we nominate our ‘highlights’ for 2021. Does Big Finish runaway with all the awards, or do we have bigger fish to fry?

So strap yourselves in as we chat and laugh our way through our topics.  Plus, who is the Laura Ashley of Doctor Who and more  importantly will Rob’s Time Eddy be able to smash through the Vortex without the power of Patreon funds!!??