Episode 81 – Compared to the 50th Anniversary torrent of Doctor Who merchandising, the stores and shelves today seem bereft of product. Rob and Mark ventured into Melbourne’s northern suburbs to meet Aron from Lobos Collectibles and 42 to Doomsday regular (and co-host of Space Fall – A Blake’s 7 podcast) Richard where we discussed the current state of Doctor Who merchandising from both a retailer and collector’s perspective.

We dive deep into why some people are disposing their collections, what manufacturers are saying about the current state of the programme and what drastic action is needed (if any) to reignite the flame in the collecting world.

All this plus: Listen as we lament the items that got away! Or as, like a dog returning to eat its own vomit, Rob (inevitably!) brings the conversation back to missing episodes and whether any passed through Melbourne dealer’s hands!