Episode 52 - Doc Whom, one third of the Diddly Dum triumvirate, is our special guest in this episode and as the 11th (or is it 12th?) Doctor said before he carked it “It’s a whopper!”

In a wide ranging chat we talk about the state of Doctor Who podcasting scene, television accents, comparisons of the televisual
landscape in the UK and Oz, Pot Black and Doc’s undertaking of the ‘great journey’ where he is watching Doctor Who from the very start!

All this plus our thoughts on #speechgate, the current 'fad' sweeping the U.S. Convention circuit where #Doctor Who actors are given key speeches from the show’s history to recreate in front of a rabid fanboys and girls. More importantly, we finally answer the age old question, which Australian soap opera was adapted as a computer game for the humble Commodore 64?

The Diddly Dum podcast can be found at https://goo.gl/PhwVVd and read more about Doc's great journey at https://goo.gl/goJtC4