Feature Interview (12:40) – Dr. Dominic Vachon, Director of the Ruth M. Hillebrand Center for Compassionate Care in Medicine at the University of Notre Dame, discusses the importance of compassionate care, why some doctors find it difficult, how doctors can increase their compassion, and how studies show learning about and focusing on compassionate care is beneficial for both doctors and patients.

Hillebrand Center for Compassionate Care in Medicine https://compassionatecare.nd.edu/

"How Doctors Care: The Science of Compassion and Balanced Caring in Medicine," by Dr. Dominic Vachon https://titles.cognella.com/how-doctors-care-9781516540082

Medical Trivia (Answer at 39:29) – Dr. Francis Peabody, when dying of cancer, gave a talk to the Harvard Medical School Students about the problems of modern medicine. In his talk, he said the following:

“The most common criticism made at present by older practitioners is that young graduates have been taught a great deal about the mechanism of disease, but very little about the practice of medicine—or, to put it more bluntly, they are too "scientific" and do not know how to take care of patients….One of the essential qualities of the clinician is interest in humanity, for the secret of the care of the patient is in [BLANK BLANK] the patient.”

Two questions
1. Fill in the blanks - two words
2. What year did he give this talk on students being “too scientific”? - 1927


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