Feature Interview (12:55) – Marie Hilliard, PhD, past president of the National Association of Catholic Nurses and Co-Chair of the CMA Ethics Committee, discusses the vocation of nursing including what makes nursing so important and ethical questions nurses face today.

National Association of Catholic Nurses https://nacn-usa.org/

The International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medico-Social Assistants http://www.ciciams.org/

Also in this episode:

Background Info (00:30) – Where would doctors be without nurses?

Forbes Study: Most Trusted Professions https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2019/01/11/americas-most-least-trusted-professions-infographic/#41596bbc7e94

Medical Trivia (Answer at 47:15) – Many saints are patrons of nurses including St. Agatha, St. Camillus de Lellis, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, and St. Catherine of Siena. In the case of St. Catherine, she was born amidst a time when a certain disease was running wild through Europe, and she is reported to have miraculously laid hands on some victims who were miraculously cured – and nursed many others who died of this disease. What is the name of this disease – and for a bonus – what was the cause of this disease?


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