Dear Doctors,  

If you know me or have listened to our DocPreneur Leadership Podcast then you are familiar with how much we love and adore and support the application of handwritten notes and handwritten thank you notes from Doctor to Patient.

You and I both know that its hard to find the time to do this in today's busy and bureaucratic medical office. But if we continue to think this way and use this excuse as the reason we're not doing better, we can only blame ourselves and become participants in the continued erosion of the Physician-Patient relationship. This might seem counter-intuitive and maybe a little unfair, but the fact of the matter is there is time, you just need to make time for it.

I'll be the first to admit, it may seem like an unfamiliar gesture. It might feel awkward at first to put pen to paper. But as a Patient who encourages Physicians to practice this exercise each week and having been on the receiving end of many a thank you note from my Physician(s) over the years, I will admit that there is no amount of money that can now be put onto how invaluable and closely connected I feel with my personal Physician.