By Editor-in-Chief, Concierge Medicine Today, LLC.

Updated For 2023

There's no such thing as an emotionless visit with a Patient.

Every Patient feels the vision you have for them and the care journey you intend FOR them the moment they: pick up a phone to make an appointment; walk in your door; navigate your social media; and walk into or out of your exam room or lobby.

If it is true that every Physician ends up somewhere in life wouldn't it be great if at the end of your career you and your Patient(s) ended up somewhere you intended to be, on purpose?

Easier said than done, right?

Especially because of how difficult it is to be a Physician today.

You see the topic of customer service (or lack thereof) and hospitality in healthcare is important to me because we see so many entrepreneurial Physicians who cast their clear vision of a preferred future over their entire patient panel and practice. Their vision for patient care is clear. They've trained their staff to serve Patients with kindness, patience and grace. From the interior design decision in the practice to the artwork choices on the wall. They understand that everything communicates!

In Concierge Medicine we see this as well. It's unique in the healthcare delivery space as it is informing some of us (as Patients and Physicians) about how healthcare could be and should be for everybody. Now, not everyone understands it but it does provide both Physicians and Patients a standard of customer service, attention to detail and hospitality that I believe more medical practices should live up to.

To me, Concierge Medicine serves as a guide or, a north star.



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