Today's subject matter is not only a critically important topic but timely for all of us as Patients and particularly concerning FOR DOCTORS as they wrestle with the complexity of COVID-19 or Coronavirus.

In our discussion today with Dr. Ellie Campbell we talk about what Doctors can and should be doing in their own offices, how they can prepare for an influx of calls, concerns and potential illnesses that are coming our way. We talk about how and why we need more Doctors working with their peers to contribute to the meaningful medical education and disseminating that correct information to their local communities so they can help Patients become more informed and aware of proper habits and local resources.

In this special edition of our podcast we sit down with Dr. Ellie Campbell, a Double Board-Certified Physician with clinical interests in family medicine, holistic care, a specialist in Functional Medicine and Oral Systemic Connection.

Originally a native of metro Chicago-land, she graduated from the University of Illinois in 1983, and obtained a Master of Science degree in 1984. She obtained her DO degree from the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1989, emphasizing care for the body, mind and spirit. Retreating to a southern climate, she then moved to Georgia for her Family Medicine training. In 1992, she received the outstanding resident of the year award from the Family Medicine department at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta. For the first thirteen years of her career, Dr. Campbell served the uninsured of our community practicing at a community health center.

In 2005 she started her own private practice. In her free time, Dr. Campbell and her husband vacation with their three wonderful daughters and enjoy theater, yard work and gardening together. Dr. Campbell is also the trusted physician to many physicians, surgeons, dentists, chiropractors, veterinarians, and their families. The staff at CFM refers to Dr. Campbell as the “Master of the Human Jigsaw Puzzle” and feel privileged to have her as their own family physician.

To connect with Dr. Campbell, visit:

Resources Mentioned


Vitamin C Infusion for the Treatment of Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia, visit:

Vitamin C Intravenous Treatment In the Setting of Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: Results From the Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled CITRIS-AF Pilot Study, visit:

Broad Spectrum Antiviral Agent Niclosamide and Its Therapeutic Potential, visit:

[Analysis on the epidemic factors for the Corona Virus Disease], visit: CDC | Wash Your Hands Often to Stay Healthy Handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick. Learn when and how you should wash your hands to stay healthy. Learn More, visit:

This Podcast Is Recorded By The DocPreneur Leadership Podcast/Produced/Hosted by Concierge Medicine Today, LLC.

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