By Concierge Medicine Today sources, with Contributions From CMT, Editor-in-Chief


UPDATED FOR JUNE 2024 | ATLANTA, GA—For almost two decades now, Concierge Medicine Today (CMT) has been reporting, discussing, writing, documenting, observing, and talking directly with you (i.e., Physicians) about all the various nuances the concierge medicine industry has on display. Many faces have changed, but everyone’s spirits are still pretty high about the career satisfaction level this business model can provide physicians and patients.


At the same time, we have seen a few Doctors struggle with indecision. Particularly concerning are those physicians who are young, lack business acumen, and have little business experience, which is critical to making more informed decisions and succeeding as a physician-entrepreneur in this space.


Some doctors we’ve interviewed and observed even priced themselves well below what they should have and lived to tell their story of woe a few years later.


No matter how much enthusiasm you felt at a conference or peer pressure you’re getting from a colleague, a salesperson, your staff, or even some patients to start a subscription-based healthcare practice right now, it’s always prudent and wise to take a deep breath and examine all the possibilities, opportunities, consequences and your numbers first.


This is a big decision for any Physician. It’s also not entirely your decision either. I bet your spouse, team members, and Patients might even have something to say that you should figure into your equation. For example, a supportive spouse who thinks you should do this is probably more important than a colleague or friends advice. If they’re not on board yet, physicians and industry experts have told CMT over the years, ‘Wait until they [your spouse] come around, then move into this.’


Over the years, many Concierge Medicine Physicians have told CMT that operating and starting a subscription-based, concierge or direct-to-consumer membership medicine practice was not easy. However, it was (or is) so incredibly rewarding that they’re glad they did it all these years later.




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