2020 World Junior Preview of Team Russia with guest Viktor Fomich.

Viktor and Peter review the Russian roster, a annual Medal contender in the tournament and that they look to be a contender again.

Draft eligible goalie sensation Yaroslav Askarov will compete for the starting role in goal, which will be a challenge as Head Coach Valeri Bragin has favored the older players in the past. 

The Russian defense will see the return of last years star Alexander Romanov, a Montreal Canadiens prospect. Philadelphia Flyers free agent find Yegor Zamula is poised to play a prominent role as well coming from the WHL.

At forward, another player coming from the CHL is Alexander Khovanov who dominated for Russia in the two CHL vs. Russia games in the Q. He could be the number one center. Another returning player that dominated with Russia last year is Grigori Denesinko and he will be looked upon to carry the offensive load fro Russia.

Viktor gives a few sleeper pick players to look for and more


Enjoy the show and thanks for listening