Is it a bird…. is it a plane….  it’s a man wearing bright blue spandex and a red cape? No it’s another episode of Do You Expect Us to Talk as we start another franchise with arguably the biggest superhero of them all…. Superman. Please note that we’re not covering Man of Steel and Batman…

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Is it a bird…. is it a plane….  it’s a man wearing bright blue spandex and a red cape? No it’s another episode of Do You Expect Us to Talk as we start another franchise with arguably the biggest superhero of them all…. Superman.

Please note that we’re not covering Man of Steel and Batman Vs Superman… we’ll save that for the current train wreck that is the DC universe films (quality of the future of said films may or may not have changed at time of writing)

Directed By Richard Donner, Superman The Movie tells the full origin of how Superman came to earth to become the saviour of the planet and fall in love with Lois Lane. Join Becca, Dave and Chris as we fly around the world to turn back time to revisit Christoper Reeve still being the best on screen superman, Lois dressed for Hi Di Hi, Clark grabbing muff, Brando playing it like a bagel,  a new segment of the show involving fruit and how the ending makes not one like of sense no matter how you look at it.

You can listen here. 

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Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return in Superman 2

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