With one movie down and we’ve reached the best film to feature Khan Noonien Singh in it.  In what is the best entry in the franchise Kirk played by Bill Shatner starts to feel old on his birthday. While on board on a newly spruced up USS Enterprise, the crew get a distress call from an old…

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With one movie down and we’ve reached the best film to feature Khan Noonien Singh in it.  In what is the best entry in the franchise Kirk played by Bill Shatner starts to feel old on his birthday. While on board on a newly spruced up USS Enterprise, the crew get a distress call from an old ex of Kirk’s Carol Marcus about her project Genisis being taken away from her. Little do they know they are walking into a trap as an old enemy Khan is seeking revenge.

Will Becca, Chris, Dave and Charlie agree that this is the best in the series…. Stay tuned and find out.

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