Do You Expect Us To Talk? is back with the third instalment of the Lethal Weapon series. This time, Riggs and Murtaugh are de-promoted to street duty after an incident with a bomb inside a building. When they stumble on robbers pretending to be cash carriers, the arrest involves internal affairs and an ex cop…

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Do You Expect Us To Talk? is back with the third instalment of the Lethal Weapon series. This time, Riggs and Murtaugh are de-promoted to street duty after an incident with a bomb inside a building. When they stumble on robbers pretending to be cash carriers, the arrest involves internal affairs and an ex cop selling guns and ammo on the black market.

Join Becca, Dave and Chris as they discuss dad rock opening, irresponsible policing, Riggs out of character, why Rene Russo wasn’t a bigger star, how Stuart Wilson can disappear into a role and the shift from the onscreen smoking.

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Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Lethal Weapon 4

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