Do You Expect Us To Talk? returns and its commentary time. On this occasion we are watching Roger Moore’s first entry Live and Let Die. After our first attempt originally failed way back when we were covering the Bond series, this is our second attempt to cover the Classic Bond film featuring voodoo, black magic…

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Do You Expect Us To Talk? returns and its commentary time. On this occasion we are watching Roger Moore’s first entry Live and Let Die. After our first attempt originally failed way back when we were covering the Bond series, this is our second attempt to cover the Classic Bond film featuring voodoo, black magic and heroin.

Join Becca, Dave and Chris as we sit and watch the movie while chatting how you couldn’t make this film today, what happened last time we tried to record this, what Moneypenny gets up to when Bond sleeps around, terrible looking coffee, Chris fact checks tarot card reading, who was the best Felix and the offensive stereotyping of southern Americans.

You can listen here.

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Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Planet of the Apes (1968)

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