Do You Expect Us To Talk? is back after a break away due to illness (not relating to the world pandemic that’s currently happening at this current moment) to pick up where we left off. The second instalment of the John Wick serise, picks up where we left off, as John retrieves his car that…

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Do You Expect Us To Talk? is back after a break away due to illness (not relating to the world pandemic that’s currently happening at this current moment) to pick up where we left off. The second instalment of the John Wick serise, picks up where we left off, as John retrieves his car that was stolen. Once returned home, ready to settle down away from his past, the past follows hime once more. A Camorra crime boss stops by with a marker, proving a debt that is owed, dragging John back in the game and a whole load of trouble .

Join Becca, Dave and Chris as we discuss life during the caronaviris rather than the movie itself, reflecting on No Time To Die (a film we’ve not seen), generic Italian bad guy names, is common dead or not, the essentialness of Sports Direct.

You can listen here.

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Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum

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