So as we reach the end of phase one of the Marvel cinematic universe, Do You Expect Us To Talk? hit the big team-up The Avengers. When Loki shows up and steals the tesseract to summon an alien invasion. SHIELD must summon Tony Stark and Bruce Banner to join with Captian America and Black Widow and later Hawkeye after…

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So as we reach the end of phase one of the Marvel cinematic universe, Do You Expect Us To Talk? hit the big team-up The Avengers. When Loki shows up and steals the tesseract to summon an alien invasion. SHIELD must summon Tony Stark and Bruce Banner to join with Captian America and Black Widow and later Hawkeye after he’s recovered from his concussion, to join forces and fight an epic battle in the centre of Manhattan.

Join Becca, Chris and Dave as we don’t discuss the 1960’s TV show, Sean Connery in a teddy bear outfit, the length of time Thor looks at his hammer, blue beams of light in the sky and why Chris Hemsworth should be Bond.

You can listen here.

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Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Captain America; The First Avenger commentary

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