Do You Expect Us To Talk? is back with Tony as plot devices that don’t quite gel together as it makes it running bid towards Avengers. Tony now a celebrity superhero has successfully privities world peace. Unforcatntly he’s on borrowed time as his power source is slowly poisoning him. In a race to complete his father’s…

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Do You Expect Us To Talk? is back with Tony as plot devices that don’t quite gel together as it makes it running bid towards Avengers. Tony now a celebrity superhero has successfully privities world peace. Unforcatntly he’s on borrowed time as his power source is slowly poisoning him. In a race to complete his father’s work that may actually save his life. However, Tony’s fathers past comes back to haunt him while the government and a rival competitor are attempting to obtain what is his.

Join Becce, Chris and Dave as we discuss why Tony Stark is such a dick in this? The wasted potential of Sam Rockwell? Is this film really ruined by setting up The Avengers? Blood toxicity levels and  did Tony really piss in his suit?

You can listen here.

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Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Thor

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