Do You Expect Us To Talk returns to finish off Tarantino (reviewing the last of the films he has made and not in any other sense) with The Hateful Eight. The second western made by Quentin Tarantino see’s a group of dubious individuals all shacked up in a cabin during a blizzard. A throwback to Revour Dogs, this western is…

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Do You Expect Us To Talk returns to finish off Tarantino (reviewing the last of the films he has made and not in any other sense) with The Hateful Eight. The second western made by Quentin Tarantino see’s a group of dubious individuals all shacked up in a cabin during a blizzard. A throwback to Revour Dogs, this western is a mystery of who’s telling the truth with their intentions if anyone is.

Join Becca, Chris and Dave as we struggle not to mispronounce Hateful as Hatful, more of Micheal Madson’s sterling acting work, a debate on what scene should be cut out, who is actually in the eight and fun facts returns.

You can listen here.

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Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Goldeneye Commentary

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