Do you Expect Us to Talk returns in what is the shortest podcast we’ve done for a while. The next film directed by Quinten Tarantino may possibly be his weakest. Made as part of the Grindhouse double feature ( That is also briefly reviewed ), Death Proof was extended for a feature-length motion picture with limited results. Listen to…

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Do you Expect Us to Talk returns in what is the shortest podcast we’ve done for a while. The next film directed by Quinten Tarantino may possibly be his weakest. Made as part of the Grindhouse double feature ( That is also briefly reviewed ), Death Proof was extended for a feature-length motion picture with limited results.

Listen to Becca, Chris and Dave as we struggle to fill time discussing how annoying are the girls in this, how great Kurt Russel is, pointless lap dance scene, how the movie should have played out, is Planet Terror better and how much we’re going to enjoy next week so much better.

You can listen here.

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Do You Expect Us To Talk Will Return with Inglorious Basterds

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